Saturday, April 18, 2020

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What to do in Chile Beaches

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: April 18, 2020
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  • What to do in Chile Beaches

    According to chilean magazine 'La Revista del Domingo' (A travel supplement of the sunday edition of 'El Mercurio' newspaper) the Top 10 chilean beaches are:

    1. La Virgen (Near Bahía Inglesa, Atacama Region)

    2. Anakena (In Easter Island / Rapa Nui (Easter Island))

    3. Las Piscinas (In Bahía Inglesa, Atacama Region)

    4. Cifuncho (Near Taltal, Antofagasta Region)

    5. Oahe (In Easter Island / Rapa Nui (Easter Island))

    6. Playa Blanca (Near Coquimbo, Coquimbo Region)

    7. Playa Blanca (Near Huasco, Atacama Region)

    8. Los Piqueros (Near Chañaral, Atacama Region)

    9. Las Tijeras (Near Punta de Choros, Coquimbo Region)

    10. Totoralillo (Near Coquimbo, Coquimbo Region)
    Extra travel and nature is perfect place with amazing top travel videos and destinations only for true lovers of travel and nature. Nature has an extremely good influence on man. Staying in the fresh air is crucial to our health. This fact stems from the fact that man himself is part of nature. People are created, grown and created in it. Staying in nature, man noticed its laws and made great discoveries for science and humanity. #chile #chilebeaches #chilebeach

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